SPRACHFÜHRER BULI / Buli Language Guide








speaking a language

asking questions




a) informal

b) according to the bodily condition

c) ritual greeting (abridged)

d) taking leave

asking for help




beginning, addressing


middle part



general and longer times

day, short time, clock

days of the week









a) general information

b) vehicles on the road (words)

c) coming and going



toilet, bath, washing



preparing and serving food



            inviting sb. to join eating

refusal of invitation to eat

refusal to drink water









therapy, clinic, doctor










buying, selling

paying, money

at the post office

in the market








material culture and traditional technologies











What is your name?                                                 Fi yue (a)le boa?

My name is Awen.                                                   Mi yue le Awen.

How old are you?                                                     Fi ta ka benanga dina?

I am ten years old.                                                   Mi nya ká bena pi.

Thank you.                                                               Fi jiam -jiam. - Á vuusi (or) Jiam karo. (or) Kan namu.

I will try not to forget.                                               Mi nya kukeri n kan bange.

Very well, thank you.                                               Nalim nalim nyiini.

I don't know.                                                            N ze.

I do not know anything about it.                               N ze ku po wari ya.

Tell me the truth.                                                      Yueni (weeni) mu wensie.

I wanted to see the shops.                                       Ma yaa n nya ka stooringa.

I'm glad to be at home again.                                  N sui pienti ale n ne bo yeri la.

Come here.                                                              Jam de.

Hurry up.                                                                  Nye nwuli.

Call him for me.                                                       Wi wa te mu.

I am looking for my pen.                                          N gisi ka n penwa.

I don't know them.                                                   N ze ba.

What is this?                                                            Ka boa ale nna?

She thinks so.                                                          Wa poli ka de.

I do not think so.                                                      Mi an poli de. 

Have you ever been there?                                     Fi poom jam dela?

I have never been there.                                          Mi an poom jam dula.

It is very beautiful.                                                    Ku nala ka yega-yega.

What is this building?                                               Ka boan yeri le nna?

Wash it every Sunday.                                             Sugri jaamu Laadi dai miena.

I shan't be long.                                                       N kan beni.

I am sorry, I shan't get time today.                          N kaasi ya (N k. di), n kan nya siuk jinla.

Do you know me?                                                    Fi seb mu?

Whom do you want?                                                Ka wana ate fi a yaali?

Where are you?                                                       Fi bo ka be?

Here I am.                                                                Nya mu le nna.

He is deaf.                                                               Wa ka tue kpara.

The traveller is astonished.                                      Nyindewa a ba kama.

The child is frightened.                                            Biika a chali ka yogsum.

I want to go there.                                                    Maa yali n cheng ka dula.

Should I wait for you.                                               N limsi fu?

Don't blame me.                                                      Kan paasi mu.

She is smart.                                                            Nipoowa welima.

Don't leave me.                                                        Kan basi mu.

He is guilty.                                                              Wa kaasi ka.

What did I say?                                                        Mi tin yuen ka boa?

Everybody knows me.                                             Wai miena seb mu kama.

Who sent you to me?                                               Ka wana ale tom fu?

He is a wealthy man.                                               Wa ka nur dobrik.

Are you angry?                                                        Fi su ya puuri?

Please forgive me.                                                   Maa saalim, vongti mu.

What is your opinion about it?                                 Fi popola ka se ale de?

I shall work for two weeks.                                       Mi le tom bakoai ngaye-a.

Why are you laughing?                                            Ka boa ate fi a laa?

Why don't you like him?                                           Ka boa ate fi kan yaa wa?

I want to go home.                                                   Ma yaa n kuli ka yeri.

I shall read the story.                                               Mi le karim sunsuelini.

When did you finish?                                               Ka dinpo (disapo) ate fi nueri?

We sat for a long time.                                             Ti kali beni yega-yega.

Speak out.                                                               Biisi paalim.

Ask anybody.                                                           Begi wai-wai.

It's a taboo.                                                              Ku a kisi kama.

I am glad.                                                                 N sui pienti ya.

I hope (think) he will come today.                            Ma poli ain wa le jam jinla.

Ateng wants to see you.                                          Ateng a yaali fu.

If Laadi comes, tell him to wait for me.                    Laadi dan jam la, faa yueni ain wa limis mu.

One day we will meet again.                                    Da-yong ti le ngman tu.

When will you be at home?                                     Ka dinpo (disapo) ate faa bo yeri?

When will you be back?                                           Ka dinpo (disapo) ate faa ngmani?

                                                                                Ka dinpo (disapo) ate fi piilim cheena?

What can I do for you? Can I help you?                  N baga a maa(ri) fu?  

Don't worry.                                                             Kan te ku (a) daam fu.

I do not mind.                                                           Mi ning karo.

It is all the same to me.                                            Ku miena ka wa yeng mi jigi.

Can I see you tomorrow?                                        N bag a nya fu chum-a?

You can visit me any time.                                       Fi bag a jam mi jigi diipo miena.

When will you come back?                                      Ka disapo at fi cheen?

He is kind.                                                                Wa nina baasa.

Are you contented?                                                 Fi pienti ya? Fi maring ya?

It is a pity. 

I am sorry.                                                                N kaasi di.

What has happened?                                              Ka boa ale nye?

Take your time.                                                        Be nye maga-maga.

Be careful                                                                Ni kpesi nidek.

He is afraid of me.                                                   Wa chili yogsum ale mi (mu).

What do you want?                                                 Faa yaali ká boa?

Let me do it.                                                             Te n nye. / Te ate n nye.






to speak                                                                   biisi

to say                                                                       yueni, weeni

to answer                                                                 tulisi

to respond                                                                chogsi

to speak indistinctly, to stammer                              bogli

to discuss                                                                 belisi (or) zogi

to discuss polemically                                              nag nampaga

to have a talk                                                           biisi biika

to understand                                                           wom

to repeat                                                                  piilim yuen


word, question, problem                                          wari, Pl. wie

language, talk                                                          biika

English, German, European                                    felin(i)

to study (learn) a language                                      zamsi biik 


speaking a language

Do you speak (understand) Buli?                            Faa biisi (wom) Buli yaa?

Can you speak English? - Yes, I can.                      Faa biisi felini (ya)? - N bag kama.

I do not understand it well.                                       Mi kan wom ku nalim nyiini.

I speak Buli only a little.                                           Maa biisi Buli maga-maga.

Don't speak so fast.                                                 Kan kpabi a biisi.

Learning Buli is difficult.                                           Buli mingka toa.

Your Buli is not good.                                              Fi Buni 'n nala.

What have you said?                                               Fi yuen boa?

I am learning Buli.                                                    Ma zamsi ka Buli.

Correct me if I make a mistake                                N dan biisi be, ween (yuen) mu.

The boy can't hear you.                                           Biika kan wom fu.

I don't understand it.                                                N wom chag.

Say it again.                                                             Ngman yueni.

Say it slowly.                                                            Yueni mag-maga.

Let us have a talk.                                                   Te ti biisi ale chaab.


asking questions 

I want to ask a question.                                          Maa yaa ain n beg ka wari.N ta wari ain n beg.

You ask many questions.                                        Fi beg wie yega-yega.

What do you call this?                                             Fi wi kude ain ka boa?

What is busik in English?                                         "Busik" yue ale boa?

What is this?                                                            Boa ne nna?

Who is this?                                                             Wan le nna?

Why are you laughing?                                            Ka boa ate fi a laa?

I am laughing at that child.                                       N la ka biikade.

What is your name? My name is Ateng.                  Fi yue le boa? N yue le Ateng.

How old are you?                                                     Fi ta ká bena nga-diná?

I am ten years old.                                                   N ta ka bena pi.

He is very old.                                                          Wa bena piisiya.



Stop speaking in this way.                                       Kaa biisi dila.

As you said (it)...                                                      Ase fi le ween (yuen) dila...

Don't listen to these stories.                                     Kan wom sunsulimangade.

Please wait until I have finished speaking.              Maa saalim, limsi te n biisi nue.

Be quiet.                                                                  Lig fi noani.

You were not spoken to.                                          MiFi kan biisi ale daa fi

Listen to what I am saying.                                      A wom n la wieni dela.



a) informal

How are you?                                                          Ka se-aa?

I am fine.                                                                  Nalim nyini. (Ku basa. Ku nala.).

How was yesterday's sleep? (before sunrise)         Answer: Ku baasa. (see c)

(early morning) When you got up                            Fi le yiri la

(early morning) When you slept                               Fi le goa la

How did you sleep (You slept?)                               Fi góóm? (or) Fi gooma?

Good morning                                                          Salü-aa ?

Good evening                                                          Jünoi-aa?

Good afternoon (11a.m - 1 p.m)                              Kantueng-aa?

Good night (God give you a good morning)             Wen te ti va nalung

Tomorrow? (until tomorrow, see you tomorrow)      Chumaa?

See you soon                                                           Ku nye maga

After sitting down you should greet each other.       Ni dan kali nue, ni puusi chaab.

I am glad to meet you.                                             N popo pienti ya mi le nya fu la.


b) according to present activity

when (the greeted person is) sitting                        Be kali

(answer:)                                                                  A vuusi (or) Be cheena.

when standing                                                         Be zagi-aa. (or) Za kama!

when lying                                                                Be doama

when eating (hold you food)                                    Ni be tara!

when passing (then I pass)                                      M be taama

when coming                                                           Be cheena

when working                                                           Fi tuima jiam (or) Jiam-jiam


c) ritual greeting (abridged)

(g = guest, h= host)


g: Hallo! (when arriving at the compound)               Ngaanga

h: Tia                                                                        Welcome

g: I have come                                                         N jam (n jamoa)

Let us greet. or:                                                  Te ti puusi

g: Ti puusi?                                                              Ti puusi? 

h: Would you like some millet-water                        Nyiamu?

g: No (water is still good)                                         Nyiamu diem basa

It is good (smooth)                                                   g: ku baasa, h: ku baasa 

How are you?                                                          Fi nying ká po? 

How are your children (your wives)?                       Fi bisanga-a? Fi pooba?

How is your co-wife?                                               Fi ngaangchowa?

She is in good health.                                              Wa ta nyingyogsa.

Have you slept well?                                                Goomu a goa nalim nyiini?

And what about Anabiik?                                         Alege Anabiik-a?

How is he?                                                               Wa duag nalim nyiini?

Has the cold left you?                                              Ngootanga basi yaa?

There is no problem.                                                Wari karo


d) taking leave

to take leave, to say farewell                                  banti 

I beg to take leave                                                   Ma juisi siuk ain n kuli

(short) I leave                                                           N kuli

Should we not stay longer?                                     Ti kan diema dalengi. 

I leave before I come back                                      N kuli abe n jam.

Farewell.                                                                  Paai nalim nyiini.

Bye-bye.                                                                  Da-yong-aa ?

Good-night.                                                              Chum-aa?

I am not yet leaving                                                 Man diem kuli.

Greet your house.                                                    Be puusi fi yeri-a.


e) asking for help

Can you help me?                                                   Fi bag a mari mu?

Shut (open) the door.                                               Lig (lag) tuoku.

Can you help me to carry my bag?                          Fi bag a maa(ri) a ji n forukuu?

Let me help you.                                                      Be chogsi.






letter                                                                         gbang

stamp                                                                       stampi

to collect letters from the post office

parcel                                                                       tiirim, dakari

I've written my wife only once.                                 N ngmarisi n poowa ka bunyi.

She wrote eight letters yesterday.                           Wa ngmarisi gbansa naaning diemwa.

You have written your sister many times.                Fi ngmarisi fi toawa yega-yega.


beginning, addressing

Dear Amoak                                                             N doa Amoak.

My dear friend Assibi                                               N nongku Assibi.

My dear son                                                             N dek biika

I greet Amoak (regards to A., best wishes to A.)     Maa puusi Amoak



Your father. Your son.                                             Fi kowa. Fi biika

That is all ( I have to say)                                        Miena ale la.

I greet you.                                                               Maa te puusa.

The friend in your mind                                            Fi popola doa (nong).

I think of your words                                                Maa poli fi wie.

Greet Ateng from me.                                              Puusi Ateng te mu.

(lit.) It is me. Atiim                                                    Ka mi. Atiim


middle part

This letter comes from your father Anala.                Gbangkade a nyini ka fi kowa Anala jigi.

I am greeting you.                                                    Mi a puusi fu.

Your mother greets you too.                                    Fi mawa me a puusi fu.

We are all in good health.                                        Nyingyogsa bo ti miena jig kama.

If this letter is in your hands...                                  Gbangkade a dan jo fi nisa...

Your letter that you wrote to me has reached me well.

Fi gbangkaai ate fi daam ngmarisi te mu la a paari mu kama nalimnyiini.

I am very happy that your are all in good health.     N sui a pienti kama yegayega ale ni miena ale ta nyingyogsa la.

I am writing this letter to you...                                 N ngmarisi gbangkade a te fu...

Today I have received your letter.                           Jinla n tuesi (ngoa) fi gbangka.

I am very happy that you and your wives and children are in good health. 

N sui pienti ain fi ale fi pooma ale fi bisanga ta nyingyogsa.

"I thank you for your house".                                   Maa te fi jiam fi yeni wie.

I am sending you the (this) parcel.                          Mi le tom koalimanga(de) a te fu.



all the time, always                                                  diipo miena

during the year                                                         beni po

after Christmas                                                        burinya ngaang nyin

when?                                                                      disapo? dinpo?

never                                                                        diip-diipo

now                                                                          yog-yogla

nowadays                                                                daangade

once (past)                                                               daam, dilapo

once (future)                                                            da-yeng

daily                                                                         da-yeng

today                                                                        jinla

tomorrow                                                                  chum

the day after tomorrow                                             vonung

after a few (3,4,5) days                                            vonung ku choa

yesterday                                                                 diem

some time before (same day)                                  poom

some days ago, recently                                          daam

soon                                                                         Ka an beni ya. Ku kan beni.

It will be soon.                                                          Ku an beni ya.

year                                                                          beni, Pl. bena

day                                                                           dai, Pl. da

week                                                                        bakoai

Christmas                                                                búrínya

last year                                                                   ngaang beni; diim

century                                                                     bena kook

in the lifetime of                                                       boka po

in future                                                                    chum po

birthday                                                                    biam dai

sometimes                                                               da-yeng - da-yeng;


general and longer times

at the end of his speech                                          wa biika kpeglingka

We saw him last year                                              Ti nya wa ká diim.

The aeroplane flew too fast.                                    Aloplywa a yiti ka nwuli nwuli.

Walk slowly.                                                             A cheng maga-maga.

We shall leave tomorrow.                                        Ti le bas chum.

When did you come?                                               Ka dinpo ate fi jam-o?

They will go to England next year.                           Ba le cheng Fel-teng bali.


day, short time, clock

sunrise                                                                     wen pusika

sunset                                                                      wen singka

It will be soon.                                                          Ku kan beni. Ku nye maga.

What is the time (now)?                                           Timu ka bang bu dina?

                                                                                Ku paa bang bu dina yog-yogla?

                                                                                Bangka a nag ká dina?

                                                                                Ku nag ká bang bu dina?

                                                                                Ká bang budiina ale nna?

                                                                                Yogyogde, ká bang budiina?

It is ten o'clock.                                                        Ka bang pi.

It is exactly ten o'clock.                                            Bu ka bang pi deki.

Day is breaking.                                                       Vari vienti.

in the darkness                                                        birimu po

I will come at six o'clock.                                          N ne jam (cheen) bang buyuebi.

Do not come before sunrise.                                   Kan jam ale weni n pusi ya.

I shall wait for you.                                                   N ne limsi fu.

It rained from 11 a.m, to 6 p.m.                               Ngoruk a ni ka saliuk bang pi ale bunyi a ta paai bang buyuebi.

I shall be back soon.                                                N le ngmai ngaang yog-yogla.

It will not last long.                                                   Ku kan beni a zuagi.

You arel late.                                                           Fi beni (ya).

Do not go yet.                                                          Kan diem chengi.

Wait a little.                                                              Limsi maga.

We slept all day.                                                      Ti a goa ka daani miena.

The sun is near setting.                                           Wen a balingi.

The sun is rising.                                                     Wenbini a nyini.

The sun is setting.                                                   Wenbini a kali. Wenbini bo ye-ning.  

It is high noon.                                                         Wen-bini (wentueng) bo wen zuk sunsung.

The moon shone.                                                     Chiika a nyasi kama.

The stars are glittering.                                            Chinmganga a yaling.

It is very dark.                                                          Ku chim ka legi yega.

We shall rest in the house in the evening.               Ti le vuusi ka yeni po junoai.

We shall attend pictures at 8 o'clock.                      Ti le cheng sinee york bang naaning.

I shall go to bed late.                                               Mi goa ka york diipo.

I woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning.                      N yiri ka bang buyuepoi saliuk.

I had a sound sleep.                                                N goa nalim nyini.

I shall go to work at 8 o'clock.                                  Mi le cheng tuima ka bang naaning saliuk.

When do they stop working?                                   Ba basi (yiti) tuima ká disapoo?

I am going to sleep.                                                 Ma cheng goama.

...how many days ago?                                            ...ka da nga dina ale jina?


days of the week

Monday                                                                    Atani, Tani (as a name also Tenny)

Tuesday                                                                   Atalata (Talata)

Wednesday                                                              Alariba (Lariba)

Thursday                                                                  Alamisi (Lamisi)

Friday                                                                       Azuma

Saturday                                                                  Asibi

Sunday                                                                    Alaadi, Laadi

before Sunday                                                         alege ti Laadi-dai

Yesterday was Monday.                                          Diemwa ka Atani dai.

Today is Tuesday (Monday).                                   Jinla ka Talata (Atani).

Tomorrow will be Wednesday.                                Chum ka Alariba dai.

He came here last Monday.                                    Wa jam dela daam Tani.

He will come again next Tuesday.                           Wa le ngman jam Atalata.

Were you born on a Wednesday?                           Ba bia fi ka Alariba dai-ya?

I was born on a market day, that is why my name is A. Ba bia mu ka yaba dai, dila nying ate          ba te mu yue ain Ayaba.

She comes here every Friday.                                 Wa jam dela ka Azuma daa miena.

They do not go to School on Saturday.                   Ba kan chang sku Asibi dai-ya.

Sunday is a day of rest.                                           Laadi dai ka vusum dai.

Come and see me on Friday.                                  Jam nya mu Atalaata dai.

Two weeks ago I was in Sandema.                         Bakoai ngaye wai ale taam la, mi daam bo ka Sandem.

Last Monday I got up early.                                     Daam Ataniwa n yiti a wuli.

What day is today?                                                  Jinla ká da boa?


January                                          ngoota chiik (month of cold),

February                                        gunggona chiik (armpit-drums)

March                                            vaala chiik (empty stalks...), chiisa sitawa

April                                               sambula chiik (dawadawa blossoms), chiisa sinaansiwa

May                                                borik chiik (month for sowing); chiisa sinu

June                                               kpari chiik (weeding); chiisa siyuebi

July                                                naara chiik (early millet); chiisa siyuepoi

August                                           za paala bogluta chiik (early millet sacrifices); chiisa naaningka

September                                     chaaung chiik (chaaung-weeding); chiisa neugo

October                                          sungkpaata chiik (groundnut); chiisa pieka

November                                      za cheka chiik (millet harvest); chiisa pi ale kanyi

December                                      fanoai chiik (millet sacrifices); burinya chiik (christmas month)

month                                                                      chiik

at the beginning of May                                           chiisa sinu piilimka

at the end of December

the middle of the year                                              beni sunsung po

Is the weather hot in March?                                   Tengka tuila chiisa sitawa po?

My son was born in April.                                        N biika, ba bia wa ka chiisa sinaansiwa po.

The festival begins 21st May.                                  Diintanga a pielim ka chiisa sinu 21 dai.

The conference will end on 30th June.                    Biika tuka a nueri ka chiisa siyuebi 30 dani.

Will you leave on 1st of July?                                  Fi le basi chiisa siyuepoi pielimka dani?

Is the weather cold in August?                                Tengka yogsa chiisa naningka po?

The new church was opened on the last Sunday in September. Wendok paalika a lagri ka Laadi dii ale kpeglim chiisa neugo po la.

Will you set out before the end of October?            Fi le nyin pielim alege the chiisa pieka nueri-e?

I shall return to Europe in November.                      N le pilim cheng Fel-teng chiisa pi ale kanyi.

Some trees shed their leaves in December.            Tiisa sie a yueri vaata ka Burinya chiika po.



rainy season                                                            ngmoruk wen [l l lm]

harmattan season, time of plenty, (Nov.-Febr.)       fiok wen [l m]

season of scarcety (before harvest)                        kom wen [h h]

dry season                                                               wen-karik

cold season                                                             ngoota wen

hunting season                                                        goai pieka wen

A new season began.                                              Wen paalik ya nyini.

We shall soon enter the Harmattan season.            Ti boa paai fiok wen. Ku moata fiok wen. 

The harmattan is near.                                            Viok boa paai.





thunder                                                                    nanpang n.; restr. ngmoruk

hail, hailstone; ice, snow                                          ngmoruk-tain [l l m]

(short and heavy) rainshower                                  ngmoruk fiik [l l lm]

flash of lightning                                                       ngmoruk-nyagsum [l l l l]

cloud                                                                        chingmari

darkness                                                                  birim


It is lightning.                                                            Ngmoruku a nyagsi. Ku a nyagsi.

It is thundering.                                                        Ngmoruku a kum. Ngmoruku a nag.

The sky is dark (covered with clouds).                     Wen sobri ya.

The sun is hot.                                                         Wen-bini tuila.

It is cold.                                                                  Ngóóta boro.

It rained yesterday                                                   Ngmoruk a ni diem.

Will the weather be fine tomorrow?                         Tengka chum ale nala?

What will the weather be like today?                       Tengka jinla a nye ka se? 

The weather was cloudy yesterday.                        Tengka nganti ka me diemwa.

It is raining.                                                              Ku a ni. Ngmoruk a ni.

It is drizzling.                                                            Ku a mimsi. Ngmoruk a mimsi.

Rain clouds have gathered.                                     Ngmoruk chingmanga tigsi chaab.

Rain is coming (threatening).                                   Ngmòruk a daani.

The weather is clear.                                               Tengka nyanti.

My clothes are wet.                                                  Mi garuku yog kama.


It is windy.                                                                Ku ka viok.

Perhaps it will rain this evening.                              Dadidai yaase ku le ni junoanide.

I am feeling warm.                                                   Wulim ale ta mi.

Let us move into the shade.                                    Te ti forisi a jam yogsum po.

I am feeling cold.                                                     Ngueta (ngoota) ale ta mu.

It is very chilly.                                                         Ngoota boro yeg-yega.

It is a cloudy day.                                                     Ka chingmaa dai.

It is misty.                                                                 Ku nye ka brim.



one                                                                          bunyi, wanyi, dinyi, kanyi, kuny

two                                                                           buye, baye, ngaye, siye, tiye

three, third                                                                                buta...

four                                                                          banaansi

five                                                                           bunu

six                                                                            buyuebi

seven                                                                       buyuepoi

eight                                                                         naaning

nine                                                                          neuk

ten                                                                           pi

eleven                                                                      pi ale bunyi

twenty                                                                      pisiye

thirty                                                                         pisita

hundred                                                                   kobik (or) kook

thousend                                                                  tusidi

1973                                                                        tusidi ale kobisa neuk ale pisyuebi al bata

one half

one and a half (1.5)

three fowls                                                               kpesa sita

five things                                                                nganta bata

first                                                                           piilimka

second                                                                     buye

third                                                                          buta

once                                                                         bunyi

twice                                                                        buyea

many times                                                              yega yega

eleven times                                                            pi ale bunyi po

one hundred times                                                   kook kanyi po

the second day                                                        ngaye danga


How many people came?                                        Ka nurba din ale jam ya?

Ten plus ten make twenty.                                       Pi a gum pi po ku a nye ka pisiye-a.

Subtract ten from twenty.                                         Gasi pi a nyin pisiye-a po.

Multiply four by six.                                                  Gari bunaansi chin buyuebi.

Count your fingers.                                                  Chien fi nandubsanga.

Can you count up to one hundred.                          Fi baga a chin ta paari kook?

The boy has worked three sums.                            Biika tom nganta bata.

He likes arithmetic.                                                  Wa yaali chienka.





a) general information

left                                                                            gala

right                                                                          juga

road                                                                         siuk

street                                                                        sititee

path, footpath                                                           siok vovok (only with siuk); nurba siuk

road junction                                                            sui toming; mampali barini (Abzweig), su-paksa

sign post                                                                  saka

straight ahead                                                          yomsi ka a cheng

to turn (branch) left (right)                                        ngmieringi gala (juga) nying; chiem gala nying

(to go) straight ahead                                              yoarisi; adv.: yorr

to miss the way                                                        be siuku

it is far                                                                      ku yalima

here (there)                                                              dowa (or) denna (düla)

curved road                                                              su-goalung

to come back                                                           ngmain jam

to park                                                                      zaani

load, luggage                                                           koalima

bicycle                                                                      kuta-wusum, cheche

mobilette, moped                                                     puupu

car, vehicle                                                              loori

to go on a journey                                                    cheng siuk (or) cheng chelim

Is it far from there to here?                                      Duloa ale dena yalimaa?

Which is the way to Atiim's house?                         Atiim yeni siuku ale kuna?

Where is the road to Navrongo?                              Navarong siuku bo (ka) be?

I have lost my way.                                                  N be síúkú kámá.

I will go with you. I will follow you.                            N maa va.

Go after them. Follow them.                                    Va ba ngaang.

I am going to my father.                                           Maa cheng n kowa jigi.

Don't forget your things.                                           Kan bang fi ngantanga.

Please show me the way to the chief's house.        Ma saalim, dag ka naa-yeni siuk a sag mu.

I am a stranger.                                                       Mi ka nichaanoa.

Take the road on your left.                                       Pa siuku ale do fi gala.

Go straight ahead.                                                   Yomsi fi ning a cheng.

Return to the road junction.                                     Vering siu-tomini jigni. (or: ...sui-tomini ning)

Take the first turning on the right.                            Pa fi ning veringka fi juga ging.

You have missed the way.                                       Fi be siuku kama.

Is the post-office far from here?                               Post-officewa yalima le dela?

Yes, it is far.                                                             Mmm, ku yalima kama.

No, it is not far.                                                        Ku an yalima.

It is about two miles from here.                                Ku a nye se ka mila ngaye a nyini dela jigini.

It is near the market.                                                Ku moata ka yabanga.

Could you take me there?                                       Fi le ta mu a cheng dula?

There is the house.                                                  Yeni ale nna.

It is very kind of you to have brought me there.       Ku nala fi jigi ate fi ta mu a jam dela jigini.

I lost my way. - Did you?                                         N poom be n siuku. - Ka wensie?

A kind friend showed me the main road.                 Doa mang ale dag mu manpali.

I didn't think you would lose your way.                    Mi an poli ain fi le poom be fi siuku.

Take the bush path on your right.                            Va sagi siuku fi juga ning.

Shall we climb a hill?                                               Ti le jueli guuku?

Is the path straight?                                                 Siuku yomsi yaa?

Is it winding?                                                            Siuku goling kama.

Shall we cross a stream?                                        Ti le gaam bubaliga?

Will they reach there before sunset?                       Ba le paa du alege le wenbini nyini.

Does the path go through a forest?                         Siuku va sagini ginga?

Is it very deep?                                                        Di limisa?

Is the river wide?                                                     Belini lagri kama?

Is there a bridge on it?                                             Briji boro?

Do we have to cross it by canoe?                            Ti le va de zuk a taamu ale ngaarung-oa?

Let us wait for our friend.                                         Te ti limsi ti doawa.

Step aside.                                                               Taam de gensa.

Turn left                                                                   Chiem gala nying.

branching road; bifurcation                                      su-moga

Look, he is coming.                                                  Nya, wa la cheena.

Come here.                                                              Jam de.

I am looking for the road to Sandema.                    Maa yaali Sandem siuku.

If you go home, when will you be back?                  Fi dan kuli fi le ngman jam ká da-dina? (disapo)

When I went to his house, he was not in.                N le ga wa yini la, wa karo.


b) vehicles on the road (words)


to get out, leave the car                                           nyini

to get in, enter (car)                                                 jo

to brake                                                                    yigi (catch) ; zaani (stand)

to drive                                                                     damu

to overtake                                                               chali gaam

the bend                                                                   gbelimu

tyre                                                                           nang

tube                                                                         nyuok, Pl. nyueta

a break-down, puncture                                           panksha

accident                                                                   loka

to wash the car                                                        suuri logni

to damage(a car), to be damaged (engine)             kaasi

collision (to collide)                                                  pomka (pom v.)

to repair                                                                   jaari

journey                                                                     siuk chelim, nierim

highway, big road                                                    mampali

to exchange (tyres...)                                               tagri

to pull                                                                       dari

to push                                                                     daasi; tusi

Show me the way.                                                   Sag mu siuk.

Can you drive a car?                                               Fi bag a dam logri-a?

A. drives his car from Navrongo to Kadema.           A. a dam wa logni a nyin Navarong a cheng Kadem.

A. stops (parks) at Sandema.                                  A. zaain Sandem.

Can I park my car here?                                          N baga zaan n logni dela?

Where can I pa rk my car?                                      N zaani n logni be?

I park my car near the house.                                  N pa logni a zain yeni teng.

Can you give me a lift to Wiaga?                             Fi bag maa pa ti taa cheng Wiag-a?

Have you any luggage?                                           Ni ta koalima-a?

They put the luggage on the car.                             Ba pa koalimanga a dueni logni zuk.

Get in and sit well.                                                   Ni jo, alege ni kali magsi.

The car starts for Wiaga.                                         Logni yiri a cheng Wiag.

The women get down (out).                                     Nipooma tuili.

Have you got all your luggage?                               Ni pa ni koalima miena?

The road is not good.                                               Siuku an nala.

Is the road good for a car?                                      Siuku nala at logri a cheng?

I go to Wiaga in my car.                                           N jue n logni a tuag Wiag.

The road is dusty.                                                    Siuku ta ka nyung.

One tyre has a puncture.                                         Nangka kanyi na.

Can you help me?                                                   Naa yaa ni maar mu kama?

They change a wheel of the car.                             Ba tagri logni nangka.

He turns right, goes a little and turns left.                Wa mob juga a cheng maga pilim mob gala.

Turn right, then go straight on.                                Va juga, a ngman cheng fi ning yoar.

Soon he reaches Sandema.                                    Ku an ben ya wa paar Sandem.

He arrives at Navrongo.                                           Waa paa ka Navrong.

Do you have a car?                                                 Ka fi le soa lognii?

Is this your car?                                                       Ka fi longi le nna?

Please drive slowly.                                                 Maa saalim a dam maga maga.

Where is a fitter?                                                     Fita bo ka be?

The car is broken.                                                    Logni kaasi kama.

Where can I buy petrol?                                          Mi n nya petrol ka be da?

I am sorry, the car is full.                                         N kaasi, logni sue kama.

Can I drive you to your house?                                N pa fu ta kuli fi yeni?


c) coming and going

to go out                                                                   cheng nyini

to go on foot                                                             cheng teng

Why have you come?                                              Boa nying te fi jam?

How many people came?                                        Ka nurba ba dina ale jam ya?

Come here at once.                                                 Jam de yog-yogla.

Come with me.                                                         Va le mi a jam. Jam te cheng.

Go away!                                                                 Cheng ga ning. (or) Cheng du!

The stranger has gone for ever (disappered).         Nichaanowa cheng nueri.

I am going to wash myself.                                      Maa cheng to n so nying.

He has gone to the toilet.                                         Wa cheng bangjiira.

I arrived here 5 days ago.                                        Mi jam dewa nna ate ku paai daa nganu.

After 2 weeks I will go back to Germany.                 Bakoai buye mi le chen Germany.

Why didn't you take a taxi.                                       Fi n pa taxi?

You don't see very much from a taxi.                      Fi n nya taxi nalim nyiini.

Where do you come from?                                      Fi nyini ka be?

I come from Sandema.                                            N nyini ka Sandem.

Where are you going?                                             Fi tua ka be?

I am going to Bawku.                                               Ma cheng ka Bawku.

Let us go to him.                                                      Te ti cheng wa jigi.

Let us go to her.                                                       Te ti cheng nipoowa jigi.

I am looking for my hotel.                                        N gisi ka n hotelwa.

I stay at Ambassador Hotel.                                    N bo ka Ambassador Hotelwa.

I live in Mr Kwotua's house.                                     N bo ka Mr Kwota yeni po.

It is near the market.                                                Di moata ka yabanga.

There are many cocoa farms at Sunyani.                Ku ka talta piesi Sunyani kama.

I did not go.                                                              N le kan cheng la.

I regret that I did not go.                                          N ngma ka ndek n le kan cheng la.

I want to go out.                                                       Ma yaa n nyini ka pielim.

Can you call a taxi for me?                                      Fi baga wi taxi ate mu?

I am going home.                                                     Ma kuli ka yeri.

Will you come with me to church?                           Fi le va mi jam wen-dogu-a?

Did anyone come to look for me?                            Wai jam dela a gisi mu?

When do they come back again?                            Ka da dina at ba (ngman) cheena? or:

                                                                                Disapo ate ba...

Walk nicely (correctly; ordentlich)                            Cheng magsi.

Tomorrow I will go nowhere.                                    Chum me kan cheng jig-jiga.

Come to me.                                                            Jam mi jigi.

Ayi comes to me.                                                     A. le jam mi jigi.



Calle the landlord for me.                                        Wi yeni nyonowa a te mu.

Is this my room?                                                      Ka mi doku le nna?

Please, give me some soap and water.                   Ma saalim, te mu chiuk ale nyiam.

The room is very clean.                                           Doku nala kama.

Let us sit in the hall.                                                 Ti le kali dalongku po.

Take my box to the bedroom.                                  Pa n dakani ata jo goom doku po.

What do you want money for?                                 Fi a yaali ligra ain fi nye ka se?

The boy is crying.                                                    Biika a kumu kama.

I shall go for a walk.                                                 Mi le cheng chelim.

Sweep the rooms.                                                    Vaari dinanga po.

Where is the toilet?                                                  Banjiranga bo ka be?

Shut the door.                                                          Lig(i) tuoku.

Open the window(s).                                                Lagri takoruku (katoatanga).

Put the baby in its cot.                                             Dueni biika wa goom jigi.

Please, water the flowers.                                       Ma saalim, zangiti flowerse ma.

I want to sew my cloth.                                            Mi yaa n bali ka n garuk.

I need a needle and some thread.                           Ma yaa ka gari-pein ale gari-miik.

Keep them well.                                                       Ta nga nalim nyini.

My clothes are torn.                                                 N garta chieri kama.

There is someone in the room.                                Wanyia a bo doku po.

Where is your elder brother?                                   Fi moa kpagini bo ka be?

Don't cry.                                                                 Kaa kaari.

He is working in the garden.                                    Wa tomu ka gaani po.

Are you going to the river side?                               Fi a cheng ka belini jigini?

Who broke the cup?                                                Ka wan ale mobi bierika?

He did not break it intentionally.                              Wan potim mobi ka.

Dust the table and the chairs.                                  Bili tablewa ale zu-kpaglisanga. 

Make the bed.                                                          Gomsi gaduoku.


toilet, bath, washing

Wash your hands.                                                    Nari fi nisanga.

Where is the bathroom?                                          Soka doku bo ka be?

I want to have a bath.                                              Mi yaai so ka n nying.

Where can I go to toilet?                                          Mi (or: N) cheng ka be ga zaan binta?

Where are the mirror and the comb?                       Nyaasungku ale chaasika bo be?

Does the sponge belong to you?                             Ka fi le soa saapoku?

The sponge and the towel are mine.                       Saapoku ale papawa ka mi soa.



food                                                                         ngandiinta

water                                                                        nyiam

millet-water                                                              zu-nyiam

millet-flour                                                                zom

millet                                                                        zari, Pl. zaa

early millet                                                               naara

late millet                                                                 za-piela

sorghum (late)                                                         za-monta

T.Z. (millet-gruel)                                                     saab, Pl. siira

millet-beer, pito                                                        daam

bread                                                                       boruk-boruk

rice                                                                           muma

yams                                                                        nyue

cassava, maniok                                                      banchibik

cocoyam                                                                  mangkain

sweet potatoes                                                        naabanyuiri

Frafra-potatoes                                                        piesiri, Pl. piesa

groundnuts                                                               sungkpaam

vegetables                                                               jen-vaata

garden-eggs, aubergines                                         booruk, (local:) komi

ochro                                                                        ngmain, ngmaana

mango                                                                     manggook, (tree: feli-cham, manggook)

orange                                                                     liemu

tomato                                                                     kamantos

soup                                                                         jenta

light soup                                                                 jen-nyiam

soup with groundnuts                                              porung

egg                                                                          kpa-jein, kpa-jena

“herrings” (very small fish)                                      biila, Sing. biili

milk                                                                          naa-biisim

salt                                                                           yesiri, yesa

sugar                                                                        sigiri

pepper                                                                     ngmaribazung, ngmaazung

breakfast                                                                  saliuk-ngan-diinta

to have breakfast                                                     suuri noai

neri, egusi                                                                buura


preparing and serving food

to cook                                                                     digi

(the) cook                                                                 digroa

to fry                                                                         chiim

to roast groundnuts                                                  baani sungkpaam

to ladle out soup                                                      bieri jenta

to dip food into the soup                                          zuigi

spoon                                                                       duisuk

fork                                                                           duisuk-nyina

knife                                                                         gebik

ladle                                                                         bierik

cup                                                                           bierik

kitchen                                                                     gbanglong, daaning, dakiri

dry (food, without sauce)                                         gaang (adj.), cf. sa-gaang

Bring the millet here.                                                Pa za ta jam de.

Pour water in.                                                          Boori nyiam.

It is enough.                                                             Ku magsi ya.

They cooked food for them.                                     Ba dig ngan-diinta ate ba.

What will you cook for supper?                                Ka boa te fi yaa fi dig-oa?

What kind of soup would you like?                          Ka boan jenta te fi a yaqali?

I have no appetite.                                                   N ka korisa.

Does it taste?                                                           Ku ta masima? Ku masa?

It was delicious.                                                       Ku masa.

Please, pass me the salt.                                        Pa yesing te mu.

Start eating.                                                             Piilim deka.

I have no spoon.                                                      N ka dueisu-oa.

It is hot (seasoned with pepper).                             Ku ta noai.

Please give me some bread.                                  Maa yaa boru-boruk. (Not: te mu...)


eating, drinking, smoking

to eat without chewing                                             de

to eat with chewing                                                  ngobi

to chew                                                                    chaam

to swallow, to devour (e.g. medicine)                      ne

to eat hastily                                                            de a wuli

to eat too much                                                        de yega-yega

to eat with noise                                                       ngurinti

to eat bit by bit                                                         nyiisi

to drink, to smoke                                                    nyu

to belch                                                                    berenti

to refuse food                                                           banti ngan-diinta

They refused to eat                                                  Ba zeri ngan-diinta.

I eat a lot (or too much, every day).                         Mi de a zuag.

It is too much.                                                          Ku zuag ka yega.

It is too little.                                                             Ku poasima.

The child has eaten to his satisfaction.                    Biika ale de chagi.

I have eaten Mangoes.                                            Nta ngob mangoota.

He got drunk.                                                           Wa bug daam.

Drink what is left.                                                     Nyu di le tali la.

I have eaten mangoes.                                            N ta ngob mangoota.

The man is smoking a pipe.                                     Nurwa a nyu ka tacheng.

to have breakfast                                                     yueling noai

breakfast                                                                  saliuk ngan-diinta

chewing stick                                                           kpasagi

Give me some water.                                               Nye kukeri a te mu nyiam.

I don't like palm soup.                                              Mi kan yaali Abe jenta.

Is breakfast ready? Have they finished cooking...  Ba digi saliuk ngandiinta nueri-ya?

I shall have some rice this afternoon.                      Mi yaa ka muma junoanide.

Have you already fed the baby?                              Fi poom te biika ngandiinta?

Can't I get something to eat?                                   N kan nya ngandiinta a de?

Lay the table.                                                           Zaan tableku.

Prepare the dishes.                                                 Gomsi chinanga.

I am hungry.                                                             Kom ale ta mu.

I am thirsty.                                                              Nya-nyuila ale ta mu.

I want food (for eating).                                            Maa yaali ka ngandiinta ayen n de.

I cannot eat, I spoilt my stomach.

I drink only boiled or filtered water.

I ate food in another compound.

I will eat when I come back.

For lunch I’ll do my own cooking.

I will only eat some bread.

I’ll eat saab with a spoon (with my fingers).




inviting sb. to join eating

Come, let us eat.                                                     Jam te ti de (ngobi).

I have a calabash.                                                   N ta chin.

"Eat is in my hand"                                                  De bo n nisa po.


refusal of invitation to eat

I also have.                                                              Mi me tara.

No, it helps.                                                              Ku a mai (maari).

Do and I will come (perhaps later).                          A nye te n jam.

It is a blessing.                                                         Ku a niak.

Eat for me.                                                               De a te mu. 


refusal to drink water

You like water.                                                         Faa yaa nyiam-a.

The water is good.                                                   Nyiamu baasa.


offering and receiving food

I offer                                                                       N bu diisi.

I receive                                                                   N bu chogsi.



It is sweet like honey.                                              Ku maasa ase siita la.

to taste badly                                                           bie

to be (taste) sour                                                     miisa (adj. miising)

to be dry (dt. herb)                                                   chiisa v.

bitter                                                                         tuak, tuok,

to be bitter                                                                de tuem; toa

sweet (to be...)                                                         masik, saalik (masa)


drinking alcohol

Dont’t get drunk.                                                     Kan bugi.

Drink the rest.                                                          Nyu di le tali la.



family, household                                                     dok dema, yeri dema

ancestors                                                                 koba, kpilima

father                                                                       ko

mother                                                                     ma

grandfather                                                              ko-kpieng

grandmother                                                            ma-kpieng

daughter                                                                  lie, lieba

son, child                                                                 biik, bisa

twins                                                                        yibik, Pl. yibsa

brother                                                                     suok, yoa, moa

elder brother (sister)                                                moa

younger brother (sister)                                           yoa

full brother                                                                ma-bi-ngobing

junior sister (brother)                                               toa baang

father's younger brother                                           ko baang

bride name                                                               sampok-yue

orphan                                                                     bí-kpíng

first wife                                                                   po-kpagi

to marry                                                                   girl: faari, boy: yali

to divorce                                                                 pagri, yieri, zeri pok, basi pok

to die                                                                        kpi; nye kpieri, babies: ngmani


Have you any brothers?                                          Fi ta soata?

How old is your sister?                                            Fi toawa ta ka benanga dina?

My brother is called Adua.                                       Mi sioku yue ale Adua.

Where is your sister?                                               Fi toa bo ka be?

I have a wife.                                                           N ta nipok.

She has six children.                                               Wa ta bisa bayuebi.

The children are healthy.                                         Bisanga ta nyingyogsa.

My wife is a seamstress.                                         N powa ka gata baalidoa.

She is very beautiful.                                               Wa nala ka yeg-yega.

She is industrious.                                                   Wa ka tuim tomi doa.

She cleans the house every morning.                     Wa jari yeni saliuk miena.

Nobody helps her.                                                   Wai kan mar wa.

Her father is dead.                                                   Wa kowa kpi kama.

Her mother is very old.                                            Wa mawa kpagin ka yega.

She is lean.                                                              Wa bug kama.

She is honest.                                                          Wa ka wensie nyono.

She is kind-hearted.                                                 Wa ta popo pientika.

Feed the baby at 9 o'clock.                                      Te biika ngandiinta bang neuk.

Your brother is my friend.                                        Fi sioku ka mi doa.

My father has many sisters.                                     N koba ta toaba yeg-yega.

Your aunt is not feeling well.                                    Fi kowa toawa ka nyinyogsa.

We will celebrate my birthday tomorrow.                 Ti le de ka mi biam dani chum.

These children are twins.                                         Bisangade ka yibsa.

The boy is taller than the girl.                                  Nidoabini wonga a gaam nipobilni.

Those women are not strangers.                             Nipooma daa nichaama.

All my children are married.                                     Mi bisanga miena a faari nipooba kama.

Is Asibi a boy or a girl?                                            Asibi ká nidoabili yaa nipokbili?

Whose father is Atiim?                                             Wan ko ale Atiim-oa?

He is junior.                                                              Wa ka baang.

Who ist the youngest (person)?                               Baangka ale wan?

Is your brother married? Yes, he is.                         Fi sioku ta nipoowa? Ain, wa tara.

I'll marry and have children.                                     Mi le faari nipok a biag bisa.

He has been divorced from his wife.                       Wa daam basi wa poowa.

Were you born on a Wednesday?                           Ba bia fi ka Alariba dai-ya?




body                                               nying

back                                               ngaang

shoulder                                         ngmanpaluk

arm, hand                                      nisiri, Pl. nisa

finger, toe                                     nandub

leg                                                  nang

knee                                               dunung

waist, small of back                      chiak

belly, stomach                              logi, puuk

head                                              zuk

forehead                                        diri

ear                                                 turi, Pl. tue

cheek                                             chikperi

mouth                                            noai

tongue                                           ginggelung

lip                                                   nangbaiviok

tooth                                            nyin, Pl. nyina

saliva                                             tintuem

eye                                                 num, Pl. nina

nose                                               nyueri

bierd                                              tieng

hair                                                zuik, Pl. zuisa

sweat                                           wulim

Is this a hand?                              Ka nisa ale nna?

No, it is not a hand.                     Awo, daa nisa (ale nna).

Yes, it is a hand.                           Ain (mm) nis ale la.

My leg is numb (schläft)                 N nagn ale miik (is sour).





sickness                                                                 tuem, tuom, nying-tuila

chicken pox                                                              tambola

constipation                                                             preuk ?? [poi-giruk]

cough                                                                       sisagta; kosuk

dysentery                                                                 poi yogsik

malaria                                                                     duinsa tuem

headache                                                                 zuk domsik

leprosy                                                                     nying kaasung

measles                                                                   kanchuinsa

paralysis                                                                  gbarinka

smallpox                                                                  poom bisa

stomachache                                                           poi domka

toothache                                                                 nyina domka

pain, ache                                                                domsik, domsuk

(a) fit, epilepsy                                                         kpingkpingsa

worms                                                                      nyiina (disease)

blood                                                                        ziim

stool                                                                         beung, binta;

to have stool                                                            basi yaata

bloody stool                                                             ziim charuk

poison                                                                      yaam (e.g. for arrows)

fever, sickness                                                         nying-tuila

to have a fever                                                         toling

diarrhoea                                                                 chaaruk, poi yogsik (chaari, v.)

constipation                                                             poi-giruk 

a cough                                                                    kosuk (kosi, v.)

cattarrh, influenza                                                    sisagta, (kosuk)

swoon                                                                      cha 

sweat                                                                       wulim

giddy                                                                        (ning) giluk

accident                                                                   (lori) loka

person                                                              yesing (yerim, yesim v.) 

to ache                                                                     dom

to feel a burning pain                                               yuiri

to breathe                                                                vuusi

to gasp for breath                                                    cha vuusum

to bruise                                                                   fiiri

to be bruised                                                            cheti

to contaminate                                                         tang

to be in a delirium , to have fits                                song

unconscious                                                             jim, adv.

callous                                                                     kpaglik

crippled                                                                    gbaning

disabled (to be...)                                                     kong adj.; verb: koani

I am ill.                                                                     Ma wiag kama.

I am seriously ill.                                                      Ma wiag ka yeg-yega.

I have smallpox.                                                       N ta poom bisa.

The baby has measles.                                           Biika ta ka kanchuinsa.

I have a cough.                                                        Sisagta le ta mu.

I have a headache.                                                  N zuku a dom ka yeg-yega.

I have dysentery.                                                     N ta ka poi yogsuk.

I have stomach ache.                                              N poi ala dom.

He is insane.                                                            Wa zuk kan tom.

He is paralysed.                                                       Wa gbarim kama.

I have cut my finger.                                                N gebi ka n nandub.

I have a cold.                                                           N ta ka ngoota. Or: ngoota ta mu.

I cannot smell anything.                                           Ma bag a wom jam nyum-oa.

He is blind.                                                               Wa ka yi.

He is deaf.                                                               Wa ta tu-kpara.

He is dumb.                                                             Wa ka gaung.

He is a beggar.                                                        Wa ka juisidoa.

The dumb cannot speak.                                         Gaunku kan bag biisi.

He is still ill.                                                              Wa diem wiag kama.

He has not yet recovered.                                       Wa diem baasa.

He is weak.                                                              Wa bug kama.

He is lean.                                                                Balingsa le ta wa.

She is in good health.                                              Nipoowa ta nyingyogsa kama.

She is robust.                                                           Wa ka tug-tug.

She is strong.                                                           Nipoowa pagra kama.

She is fat.                                                                 Nipoowa biigi kama.

The dog is mad.                                                       Biaka a yisim kama.

It is dying.                                                                Ka a kpi kama.

It is buried.                                                               Ba gu ka kama.

I am not feeling well.                                                N ka nyingyogsa.

I am tired.                                                                 N jiag kama.

to be exhausted                                                       kpieri; miigi

I am hungry                                                              Kom le ta mu.

I am thirsty.                                                              Nyu-nyuila le ta mu.

He feels cold.                                                           Ngoota ta wa.

He caught a cold.                                                     Ngoota a jo wa nying.

He is shivering.                                                        Wa nying a mimsi.

I cannot breathe well.                                              Man bag a vuusi nalim nyiini.


He broke his leg.                                                      Wa nangka we.

I have a high fever (temperature)                            n toling (?); nying-tuila ta mu (?)

I have diarrhoea                                                       n chaari ?

I have a toothache                                                   nyin-domsik ta mu (?)

I have no appetite                                                    N noa po kan yaali. N noai an masa.

I have spoilt my stomach                                         N kaasi n poi.

I cannot sleep in the night.                                       Mi an baga a goa yoku.

I am tired.                                                                 N jiag kama.

I am feeling sleepy.                                                  Goom ale ta mu.

The disease became worse.                                    Tuomu yaa pagra.

The disease became better.                                    Tuomu a yaa ga ngaang (went back)

He is dead.                                                              Wa nying ka yog yega-yega. Wa yog kama.

How is your sickness?                                             Fi nying tuila ká-se?

It is getting better.                                                    Ku zung chong.


therapy, clinic, doctor

drugs, medicine                                                       tiim, tiita

European medicine                                                  felika tiim

traditional medicine                                                  Bulsa tiim

clinic                                                                         tebka dok

doctor                                                                       dota

health, fitness                                                          bààsim

hospital, health station                                             àsìb'ìtì, tiim dok

native doctor, medicine man                                    tebroa, tiim nyono

to go to the doctor                                                    cheng dokta

cotton                                                                       gunggung (kapok)

bandage                                                                   vilika

plaster, v.                                                                 fagi, fatim

pill                                                                            ti-biri

injection                                                                   garupiema luka (lu v.)

to heal                                                                      tebi

How do you feel?                                                     Ka se?

I cannot help you.                                                    Min baga maa fu.

You must go to the clinic.                                        Ku a fe fi cheng tiim dok.

They must examine your stool.                                Ba nya fi bintanga.

You must stay in bed.                                              Fi vuusi.

I will fix a plaster                                                      Mi mang plaster.

Keep the wound free from dirt.                                Kan te dangta jo noruku po.

You sickness is contageous.                                   Tuomu a chogsi kama.

Keep the patient isolated.                                        Gaari yog nyingka ka toga.

Let me measure your temperature.                         Te n magsi fi nyinka tuilimu.

This tablet does not heal you.                                  Tiimude kan tebi fu.

It only reduces the pain.                                          Bu nye ma ate ku baasi zung chonga.

Take this pill every morning before breakfast.         Ne tiimude saliuk miena abe fi ge a de saliuk ngaandiinta.

Swallow it with a lot of water.                                  Ne bu ale nyiam a zuagi.

You must eat a lot of fruit.                                        A de tiisa yoana a piisi.

Your temperature is very high (low).                        Fi nyingka tuilimu zuag ka yega (a baling).

Congratulation upon recovering.                             Fi ninam jiam abe fi le nyin nyingtuela po la a ngman ta nyingyogsa ta nyin.

This tablet is good for killing the germs.                  Tiimude nala kama a teb ngan-vuuta (fi nyingka po).

This tablet reduces the fever.                                  Tiimude ny te fi yningka zung a chonga.

Is there some of your medicine left?                          Fi tiimu tali-aa?




complaint                                                                 popoota

to be fed up with                                                      jiagi, niigi, yuagi

to be or get confused                                               buring, butim, tuing, yerim

annoyance                                                               namsuk, su-puurum

They are making noise.                                           Ba bora nüim.

Don't always disturb me.                                          Kaa namsi mu.

Don't be so naughty.                                                Kaa yiris dila.

He is a fool.                                                              Wa ka ja-beruk.

He tells lies.                                                             Wa velim kama.

Who did this?                                                           Ka wan ale nye di?

He stole the money.                                                 Wa zu ligranga.

The box is lost.                                                        Dakarni be-ya.

I have searched everywhere.                                  N gisi jiga miena.

He has done wrong.                                                Wa nye kaasi.

I don't know why he did so.                                      N ze ku kiria, ate wa nye dila la.

Why should I be sorry?                                            N vong boan nying-a?

Why are you sad / annoyed?                                   Ká boan nying ate fi sui kaasi?

Do not disturb me with your questions.                    Kan ta fi beganga paa mu.

Go out of the door so that the light can get into my room.       Ning pielim ate n bag a nya.

I have never seen him before.                                 Mi kan diem mar nya wa.

I am angry.                                                               N sui la puuri.

I am afraid.                                                               Ma chali ka yogsum.

You are late.                                                            Fi beni. 

I am worried.                                                            Maa yiili kama.



drum                                                                        ginggaung

drummer                                                                  ginggaung nagroa

headgear                                                                 zuk giiroa

elder at chief's court                                                 naab nisomoa

paramount chief                                                       na-kpieng

servant                                                                     tuin-tomdoa

state umbrella                                                          palim naa-yogsum

sub-chief                                                                  kanbon-naab

throne                                                                      naam-zu-kpaglik

palace                                                                      naab yeri

prince                                                                       naawa-biik

They have enstooled the new chief.                        Ba bob na-paalik.

They will lead an outdoor celebration of the Chief on Monday.

                                                                                Ba le ji nawa ta nyini palim Atani dai.

The chief is riding a horse.                                      Naawa do ka wusum.

Let us go to the palace.                                           Te ti cheng ku (?) jigini.

Is it advisable to see the paramount chief?             Ku a magsi ain fi nya naa-kpienku dega?

You should speak through the linguist.                    Na-nisomwa ale biisi ate fu.

Are there many servants?                                       Nawa nyam zuagi-ya?



(see also “language”)

When did you start school?                                     Fi pilim sku ka dinpo?

In what class are you?                                             Fi bo ka dimi (?) nga dena?

Who is your teacher?                                               Ka wan ale fi teacherwa?

Is he a Ghanaian?                                                   Wa ka Ghana deno?

Is he a good teacher?                                              Wa ka teacher manga?

We learn many subjects.                                         Taa zamsi ka wie yega-yega.

                                                                                Ti zamsi nganta a piisi.

There is a table in the classroom.                            Table me bo doku po.

Let us play ball.                                                        Te ti nag boile.

What is he studying?                                               Ka boa ate wa zamsi?

Write it down.                                                           Ngmarisi dueni.

Let me see your book.                                             Te n nya fi gbangka.

Come for a new pen tomorrow.                               Jam tuesi pen chum.

Do not play in the classroom.                                  Kai diini zamsika doku po.

Look at the blackboard.                                           Nya blackboardwa.

Keep your book always clean.                                 Ta fi gbangka da-miena nalim nyini.

Do you read in the evening?                                    Fi a kaarim junoai?

Does your teacher often punish you?                      Fi teacher a namsi fu vara-vara?

You deserve severe punishment.                            Fi a magsi ka namsika.

She is not lazy at school.                                         Wa ka nyinwuriwa .

She is hardworking.                                                 Wa tomu ka yeg-yega.

I shall go to school today.                                        Mi le cheng sku jinla.

to study (a language)                                               zamsi biik

I am a schoolboy (-girl)                                            Mi ka sukuuri biik.

She should try hard to learn                                    Wa nye kukeri ate wa zamsi wa gbangka.





shoe lace 

a pair of scissors                                                      pon-magi dinyi

biscuit                                                                      bisicati

butter,                                                                      bota, kpaam

margarine, oil...                                                        kpaam

cheese                                                                     chiesi

nail                                                                           kutuk pieng

pin                                                                            pini

underwear                                                                mungkuruk

umbrella                                                                   naa-yogsum

to waste money                                                       kaasi ligra

shop, store                                                               koalima daka jigi, store

fixed prices: Its price is fixed.                                   Ku ligranga ale la.


Try to get a basket for me.                                       Yaali busik te mu.

Let's go to Kingsway.                                               Te ti cheng Kingsway.

I need a few things.                                                 Ma yaali ka nganta maga.

Is it the largest shop in town?                                  Ku ka stoo kpienga tengka po?

Does it open every day?                                          Ku a lagri daa-miena?

Do you often go there?                                            Fi a cheng dula da-miena?

Who is the manager of the shop?                            Ka wana ale malengerwa stookude po?

Who sells these shoes?                                           Ka wan le da nuesangade?

What would you like to buy?                                    Ka boa ate fi a yaali fi da-a?

I want to buy a dozen tins of milk.                           Ma yaali ain n da ka miliki konkonsa dazin.

We have some sugar also.                                      Ti ta sigri me.

How dear is it?                                                         Ku ligra ne ka diila?

How much would you like to buy?                           Ka dina te fi a yaali a da?

May I pay for it?                                                       N tuni te fu ya? N tuni ku ya.

Your bill is three cedis.                                             Fi pani mi ka cedi bata.

Give me a bag of rice.                                             Te mu muma boorik.

Can I see one?                                                        Mi le nya wanyi?

Will they change it for me?                                      Ba le tagri te mu?

Do you sell?                                                             Fi a da?

Kindly give me two.                                                  Be te mu baye.

Take one only.                                                         Pa ka wanyi.

That is enough.                                                        Ku magsi (-a).

Is it durable?                                                            Ku a beni?

It is too dirty.                                                            Wa dagim ka yeg-yega.

Do you have some other kind(s)?                            Fi ta wa choa (ba chaaba)?

It is too thin.                                                             Ku miita ka yeg-yega.

Do you have some others?                                      Fi ta ba chaaba?

Let me see all of them.                                            Te ne n nya ba miena.

Make your choice.                                                   Fi dek lueri.

This one is good for me.                                          Wade nala te mi (or: mu).

Keep it for me.                                                         Dueni te mu.

I will come for tomorrow.                                          N chum le jam pai.

Haven't you paper bags?                                        Fi ka gbang foru(k)-oa? (foruwa)

I want to buy a hat.                                                  Ma yaa n da ka zu-yiok.

We paid a hundred cedis.                                        Ti tuni ka cediba koo.


buying, selling

to buy, to sell                                                           da

to buy after measuring                                             magi

to buy up everything                                                saari

200 Cedis                                                                boorik

1950 Cedis                                                              boosa neuk ale pi al pisinu

I want to buy bread in the market.                           Maa yaali n da boro-boruk yaba.

                                                                                Maa cheng ka yaba ayen n da boro--boruk.

How much is the (this) millet?                                  Zaanga(de) ká dina?

Five Cedis each calabash.                                      Cediba banu chin yeng.

Don't you reduce? (bargain)                                    Fi kan baling-ee? Fi kan basi?

Don't you add (“dash” something?                         Fi kan nyo jaara du?

I reduce it by 2 Cedis.                                              N yieri cediba baye.

They are bargaining.                                                Ba bora baregi.

There is no reduction on the sale of beer.               Bareka ka daam diak po.

It is cheap.                                                               Ku diak (or "de") a baasa.

It is very expensive.                                                 Ku diak pagra yeg-yega.

I (will) buy one calabash.                                         Mi le da chin yeng.

I bought a goat for 8 pounds.                                   N da buuk ponta naaning.

A. wants to buy vegetables.                                     A. a yaali ain wa da vaata.

A. has a big bag full of vegetables.                          A. ta ka foruk kpiong ate jen-vaata a sueni.

Can you buy (=sell) this for me?                              Fi kan da jaamude ate mu?

Give me 8 tomatoes.                                               Te mu kamantosba banaaning.

If you go to town, don't forget to buy bread.            Fi dan cheng tengka po, kan bang(e) at fi da boro-bora.

What is your sister going to buy?                             Fi toawa a cheng wa da ka boa?


paying, money

"dash"                                                                      jaara

I pay 2 Cedis.                                                           N ne tuni cedi baye.

I have not enough money.                                       Mi ligra kan paari.

They promised to give him money.                          Ba pulim ain ba te wa ligra.

I will give you some money.                                     Mi le te fu ligri.

Don't show it to other people.                                  Kan pa sag nurba.

I want to change my German money into Cedis.     Ma yaa n tagri German ligra ate Ghana cedima.

I have no money.                                                     Mi kà ligrá.


at the post office

Can I buy some stamps here?                                 N baga da stampi dela?

No, you can't.                                                           Anwo (Aya). Fi n baga.

Go to the lady on your left.                                      Cheng nipowa ale bo fi juga [gala!] la jigi.

May I buy some stamps, please?                            N le da stampiba fi jigi ga, ma saalim?

Of which denomination?                                          Ba bana?

I need different ( three) kinds.                                  Maa yaali ká nganta toga toga (bata).

Three of five pesewas.                                            Banu kuboata pisita.

You have to pay 46 pesewas for them.                   Fi a tuni 46 by nyi.

Here is the money.                                                  Liranga le nna.

Here is your change.                                               Fi changi le nna.

I would like to send a telegram to Kumasi.              Ma yaa n tom ka telegram ate Kumasi.

Go to the gentleman over there.                              Cheng nuri mangka de jigi.

Is this your parcel?                                                  Ka fi parcelliwa le nna?

Yes, I want to send it to my son at Hohoe.              Mmm. Ma yaa tomika ka n biik Hohoe.

Then we have to weigh it.                                        Ti ngooni ka kama.

I weighs 8 oz.                                                           Wa ngooni ka ouncesba 8 [naaning].

It is lighter than I thought.                                        Wa valima kama a gaam me le poli de la.

Here is your receipt.                                                Fi lasiitiwa le nna.

That is all, thanks.                                                    Ku miena, ma te fu jiam.

This ten-pesewa stamp is very beautiful.                 Stampiwade nala ka nalim nyini.

I'll send it to a friend in Geneva.                              Mi le tom kama ate n doa ale bo Geneva.

at the market

market-day                                                               yaba

market (square, only locally)                                    yakui

beginning of market                                                 yaba joka

the day before market day                                       yaara

market stall                                                              viuk

pito-bar                                                                    daam moaning (moanung) viuk

dash                                                                         jaara (or) basim

small market (not on market days)                          yaba fiisa (or: fiik), tampilaanda

We shall go to the market this afternoon.                Ti le cheng yaba junoinide.

What is the name of this market?                            Yabangade yue ale boa?

Where are fruits sold?                                             Ba da tiisa yoana ka be?

Fruits are sold at Navrongo market.                        Tiisa yoana a da ka Navrong yaba.

Where can I buy some corn?                                   Mi nya chulimbena ka be a da?

You can buy herrings under those trees.                 Fi baga da fasuk tiisangade teng.

There are good oranges, pineapples and bananas. Liemu nalinsa boro abrobre (Twi) koodugu boro.

How much are these?                                              Nya bade ka dina?

This costs ten pesewas.                                          Nya wade ka suli.

I want to buy ten pesewas worth of bananas.         Ma yaa da ka suli kooduk.

It is too dear.                                                            Ba diak pagra kama.

Kindly reduce the price a little.                                 Yie ku ligranga mag-dega.

No reduction.                                                           Jaara karo. 

I'll lose heavily if I reduce it.                                     Mi ne lo kama n mi yieri.

Are those oranges good?                                        Limunede nala?

Please, give me my change.                                   Ma saalim, te mu n changiwa.

Are there any eggs for sale?                                   Kpa-jena boro a da?

No, there aren't any.                                                Awoo, nga karo.

Yes, there are.                                                         Mmm, nga boro.

When is Sandema market?                                     Ka da dina ale Sandem yaba?

Every three days is Sandema market.                     Da ngata miena ka Sandem yaba dai.

Is market-day today?Yaba dai ale jinla ya?             Jinla ka yaba dai-a?

Do you go to the market with me?                           Fi le cheng yabanga ale muu?

I like a child that takes me to the market.                Maa yaali biik ain wa ta mu cheng yabanga.

Where can I buy food?                                            Min da ngan-diinta ka be?

                                                                                Ka be at mi n baga da ngandiinta?

Where can I buy Pito?                                            Min (mi ain) nya daam ká be (a) da?

                                                                                Be ate mi n nya daam a da?

They sell Pito there.                                                 Baa da daam dula.

Where is the stall for Pito?                                       Daam viuku bo ka be?

Let us go to the stall for Pito.                                   Te ti cheng viuku ga nyu daam.

You can buy herring near the trees.                        Fi bag a da fasuk tiisangade teng.

You can buy eggs an flour at the farmer's.              Fi bag á dá jena ale zom kpáároáwá jigi.

I need a few things.                                 Maa yaali ka nganta maga.

Buy oranges for me in the market.                          Da liemu yabanga po a te mu.



dog                                                                          biak

cat                                                                            doglie

goat                                                                         buuk

sheep                                                                       posuk

horse                                                                        wusum

cow (ox)                                                                   naab, Pl. niiga

bullock                                                                     lalik jieng, lalik yiering

bull                                                                           lalik, varik

calf                                                                           naa-biik

pigeon                                                                      dunduri, tukuruk, nanggbang, kawuruk

fowll                                                                         kpiak, Pl. kpesa

guinea-fowl                                                              kpong, Pl. kpina

snake                                                                       waab, pl. wiima

python                                                                      waa-kpieng

poisonous: This snake is poisonous.                       Waamude dom a ko (bites and kills).

fly                                                                           nanjung

mosquito                                                                  duing

worm                                                                        nangzuri, mimeluk, bobli

lizard                                                                        bang

chamaeleon                                                             bunoruk

rat, mouse                                                                ngoong

antelope                                                                   kab, kung, nong etc.

elephant                                                                   yauk

crocodile                                                                  ngauk

lion                                                                           gbengli

leopard                                                                     yuerik, goai biak

scorpion                                                                   nuoong


This drug kills cockroaches.                                     Tiimude a ko kpayaa (Sing. kapyari) kama.

There are lions in our zoo.                                       Gbengla bo ta dungsa doku (cage) po.

I have never seen a python.                                    Man diem nya waab-kpieng.

He was bitten (stung) by a scorpion.                       Nuong ale dom wa.

The shepherds are going to the bush.                     Naapierisanga a chen ká goai.

They milk the cows.                                                 Ba sum niinga.





when sb. sneezes

Hold it!                                                                     Be tara! (or)

I hold your nose.                                                      N yig fi nyue

when sb. yawns

Health!                                                                     nyingyogsa

when sb. stumbles

Don't fall!                                                                  Kan lo!

after having nudged a person

I did not care. I was careless. Excuse me.              Man kpesi ya.

I did not see.                                                            Man nya ya.

when overtaking a person

We go together                                                        Ti maa chaab cheng.

I reach that we go.                                                   N paa ate ti cheng-a.

I go in front.                                                              N de fi ning.

I pass before you.                                                    N taam abe ne ti fi-a.

when handing sth. with left hand

Left!                                                                         Gala!

(answer:) It is a hand.                                              Ka nisi.

when sb. is working (e.g.)

Come and help me to stir the T.Z.                           Jam maa mani saab te mu.

(answer:) Stir for me.                                               Man' a te mu.



Excuse me.                                                              Man kpesi ya.

When giving sth. to sb.                                            N bu diisi (I offer it)

Thank you (if receiving sth.)                                     Be chogsa. N bu chogsa.

Thank you (after eating or when saying good-bye) Jiam-jiam

Response to “jiam” (You are welcome)                  Daa jiam wari ya.

Congratulation!                                                        Fin ninaung jiam.

I am sorry.                                                                N kaasi (spoil).

I beg your pardon.                                                   Maa saalim.

Be careful!                                                               Yig fidek! Nya fi zuk!




big head                                                                   zuk kpiong

groove in chin, crooked chin                                    tiengkuruk gbegli

long ears                                                                  tu-wogla

crooked mouth                                                         noai mogluk

crooked lip (sb. talks too much)                               nanggbain galung

dog: not being human (strong insult)                       biak

sheep, being stupid                                                 posuk

monkey, very weak insult, esp. for children             waaung

no insult:                                                                  naab, kpiak, buuk, boning

weak insult for children                                            kikiruk

weak insult                                                               sakpak

fool                                                                           beruk

traitor, gossip, telltale                                               bumbobroa

cripple (if child does not want to walk)                     gbaruk





stranger, tourist                                                        nichaanoa

resthouse, guesthouse                                            nichaanoa yeri

Taboo                                                                      kisuk

festival (secular), big meeting                                  tigi

culture                                                                      korum


Please, show me the way to Ateng's guuk.             Maa saalim, sag mu Ateng guutanga. Or:

                                                                                ... dag Ateng guutanga sag mu.

Can you call the house-owner for me?                    Ni le wi yeni-nyonowa ate mu?

May I watch them sacrificing to Atiim's wen?           Maa yaali ain n maa nya ba daa kaab Atiim weni.

From which section marry men girls (wives)?          Nurba a faa ka do-kuna lieb (nipooba)?

I want to do some work about the Bulsa country.    Maa yaali ain n tom tuima Bulsa tengka zuk.

The work concerns ancestor worship.                     Tuimanga a va ka ba ngaasa (anc.) ale ba nyeela (deeds) al ba laa puusi wena dii.

I also see sacrifices.                                                Maa nya ka bogluta kaabka.

Whose father is Atiim?                                             Wan ko ale Atiim-oa?

I have finished the work.                                          N nue tuimanga.

Is your brother married? - Yes, he is.                      Fi sioku ta nipoowa? Ain, wa tara.

Which is the way to Atiim's house?                         Atiim yeni siuku ale kuna?

What is his tribe?                                                     Wa buini ka boa?

Which tree is a tanggbain?                                      Tí-bùnà ale tanggbani?

What is this called? -                                                “Bogta” Ku yue le boa? -Bogta.

What type of bogta is it?                                          Ka boan jaab bogta?

He lives with us.                                                       Wa bo ale ti.

He sees how we do it (studies our customs)           Wa nya ti na nye diila.

He wants to see our ways of life.                             ...wa nya ta me wienga.

What are these things (good for)?                           Wa-ngala ale boa?


Material culture and traditional technologies


What materials and tools do you use for carving (for making pots)?

                                                        Ka boan nganta ate fi pa a piesi (for carving) [a me: for pottery)

Are there any taboos in this activity?                       Kisita bo tuinide po?

How much time do you need for this work?             Fi pa tam dina a tom tuinide?

Can you finish it today?                                           Fi bag a nue jinlaa?

I will come tomorrow to collect the thing.                 Mi le jam chum tuesi jaamu.

I will take it to Germany.                                          Mi ne cheng Germany (felteng).

How many chibsa are in your room?                       Ká chibsa si dina ale bo fi doku po?

What type of clay-vessel is this?                              Ka boan jaab yak somaoning ale nna?

For what do you use a chari?                                  Ni pa chari a nye se?

May I see (look into) your dakiri?                             N baga nya fi dakiri po?

Can you sell this bangle to me?                              Fi baga pa bangka da te mu?

Describe how you make a busik-(basket).               Magsi (tell) fi ale nye dii á yog busik la.



to take a photo                                                         pa footo

Snap!                                                                       Geb!

to develop (photos)                                                  suuri (footo) 

Taking photos at noon is not good.                         Kantueng footoba an nala.

The faces get too dark by the (high) sun.                Wentuengka a nye ate ni nindaasanga a nye nna birrim.

It is better in the evening.                                        Junoai footo a la magsi.





to become a diviner                                                 chim baanoa; (rituell:) ngari jadok

Are you the only and first to become a diviner in your house?

                                                                                Ka fi nyiini ale piilim chim baanoa ni yeni?

Or was there a diviner before?                                Yaa baano daam boro kama?

Who will inherit the jadok?                                       Jadoka al ngman gai ka boan?

How did it happen that the pig came to you so that you divine?

                                                                    Ku be nye ka se, ate dioku a jam fi jigi ate fi taa bogi?



“pillow” and 2 stones                                              jadoka zukpaglika ate tintana ngaye

things (objects) in the bag                                       koalima

sticks                                                                        miensa

empty stick                                                               ja-koruk

to wear a red cap                                                     vugi zutok moaning

in the bag                                                                 foruku po



symbolic (code) objects                                           baan tiisa, Sg. baan tiik

What does this thing mean?                                    Jaamude tuima ale boa? Jaamude a gom ka boa?

                                                                                Bu me kiri ale la?

What is the function of this thing?                            Jaamude a sag ka boa?

And this thing?                                                         Alege jaamude me?

You hold it to identify it.                                           Ka fi a yig wa ale fi ming wa.

Do you know the animal's name?            Dungka fi seb ka wa yue?

It has the same meaning                                         Ka wa yeng

Could you show me one?                                        Fi bag dag wanyi a sag mu?

Its object has been removed (from the stick)           Wa jamu yieri kama.




to divine                                                                   bogi (jadok, bunoruk);

to divine on the stones                                             bog buntanga zuk

to pour out the sticks on the ground                        kpiiri miensanga miena duen teng

to hold the stick (wand)                                            ta doani; yig baan-doani a tara

to demand a fowl                                                     yaali kpiak

to satisfy (this demand)                                           siagi (Fi dan siag, fi ngoa nalim)

to sacrifice to a shrine                                              kaabi bogluk

Do you usually pour all the sticks out on the ground?

                                                                        Fi nyeem kpiiri miensanga miena kama duen teng?

The wand points to these things.                             Doani na dog ngantangade.

The object is singled out.                                         Jaamu a yieri.

Something is wrong with you.                                  Jaab ta fu.

There is a problem in your house.                       Wari bo fi yeni.

Will it not harm you?                                                Ku kan beg fu?

It "comes out" that you must sacrifice.                     Di nyini ain fi kaabi ka.

They sacrifice an animal to the jadok-shrine.          Ka dung ate ba pai kaab jadoka.